People believe crooked teeth are due to genetics, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors all had straight teeth - Paleontologist Richard Klein states that he has never seen a hunter-gatherer skull with crooked teeth or a shrunken jaw. But why is this?
Firstly, the reason why teeth become ‘crooked’ or malocclusion occurs, is that there is simply not enough space in the mouth. The teeth have no where to go other than to twist or become deformed in their position. Let’s talk about why the modern human rarely has enough space.
Inactive Lifestyle
We’re spending less time outdoors/more time indoors. This means less use of our bones/muscles and less sunlight. Physical exercise & sunlight is crucial to aiding growth.
Soft, Highly Processed Foods Early In Life
Our ancestors used to spend many hours per day chewing. Modern processed diets mean using our jaw muscles less (the same ones that keep our mouth closed and prevent mouth breathing).
A Short Breastfeeding Period
In a young child, breastfeeding requires sucking - which promotes the use of the jaw muscles and proper tongue posture. This prevents abnormalities in growth and development of the jaws.
Mouth Breathing
A symptom of poor development, this habit actually makes the problem worse. If the upper palate is too narrow, there is often discomfort or congestion of the nose (as the upper palate is also the floor of the nose, meaning a smaller nasal cavity).
To summarise.... crooked teeth are a symptom of the post-industrial revolution lifestyle that we now live. They are a clear indicator that the whole facial complex has not grown as it should have, and should be treated early in life. 7 years old is discussed to be the best age to intervene and guide proper growth with a dental expansion appliance.